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                                                     SANTA MARIA JUVENILE HALL
               S A V E   T H E   D A T E S !         AUG 15. 2019  11:00-12:30
                                                     4263 California Blvd., Santa Maria
                                                     Tour of the Santa Maria Juvenile Hall and discussion of the
                                                     programs and services available to youth.

                                                     INTERACTIVE JOURNALING
                                                     OCT 10. 2019  11:30-12:30
                                                     Santa Maria DRC, 1775 McClelland Street, Santa Maria
                                                     The Courage to Change (C2C) Interactive Journaling System is
                                                     an evidence-based supervision/ case management model
                                                     developed in collaboration with several United States Probation
                                                     Offices.  Through the use of this cognitive behavioral interactive
                                                     journaling system and interaction with their support team,
                                                     participants address their individual criminogenic risk and
                                                     needs assessment.  Implementation is flexible and can be
                                                     customized based on risk, responsivity, and program/client

                                                     INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE
                                                     DEC 12. 2019  11:30-12:30
                                                     Santa Maria PRRC, 124 Carmen Lane, Santa Maria
                                                     Presentation and discussion on intimate partner violence (IPV)
                                                     and the STOP domestic violence program. Session will include
                                                     information on the Assembly Bill 372 (AB372) –the pilot
                                                     program allowing Santa Barbara County (along with 5 other
                                                     counties) to test alternative batterer intervention programs.

                                                     SUPPORTIVE HOUSING
                                                     FEB 13. 2020  11:00-12:00
                                                     401 W Morrison Ave C, Santa Maria
                                                     Good Samaritan campus tour and discussion of the services
                                                     available to meet the needs of clients in recovery including
                                                     detox, clean and sober living,  shelter and other supportive
                                                     services.  Session will also highlight Good Samaritan’s
                                                     participation in a two-year supportive housing pilot that
                                                     includes case management services for high and medium risked
                                                     individuals subject to community supervision by the Probation

                                                     CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS
                                                     APR 16. 2020  11:00-12:00
                                                     1136 De La Vina Street, Santa Barbara
                                                     Presentation of co-occurring disorders, working with this
                                                     population, and tour of Sanctuary Center facilities followed by a
                                                     question-answer session.

                                                     NORTHERN BRANCH JAIL TOUR
                                                     JUN 11. 2020  11:00-1:00
                                                     Santa Maria
                                                     Tour of the 376-bed jail facility and discussion of the
                                                     programming and services available to inmates.

                       For more information or to RSVP  contact Karyn Milligan at [email protected]
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