Page 5 - Department Overview 2020
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             Our employees are our greatest assets. The effectiveness of the Department is
             directly related to the extent to which all employees adhere to the following
             values: honesty, integrity, dedication, loyalty, teamwork, and ethical work
             performance. These values are the foundation upon which we perform our duties

             and interact with one another, the Courts, probationers, realigned clients, partner
             agencies, and the general public. The following Organizational Values and Code
             of Ethics guide our efforts to serve and protect the citizens of Santa Barbara


             We value and promote a positive work environment that:

                Protects the safety and welfare of employees, probationers, realigned clients,
                youth, and the general public;
                Encourages initiative, productivity, creativity, teamwork and professional
                growth; and

                Stresses tolerance and is free of racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual


             We value and promote the competency of all staff by:
                Providing training to enable employees to effectively carry out their complex
                duties and individual responsibilities;

                Encouraging a variety of work experiences to enhance deployability, employee
                motivation, advancement, and opportunities for future professional growth;
                Providing employees with timely, balanced and objective assessments of their
                work performance; and recognizing excellent work performance.

      Santa Barbara County Probation Department Overview 2020                                               03
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